What is the Family Business Award for Excellence ?

Created in 2014 at the initiative of EY supported by FBN Belgium and GUBERNA, this prize rewards a family business that excels in 

  • Sound governance within the family and the company
  • Its vision and the preservation of family values
  • The transfer of the entrepreneurial spirit towards the next generations
  • Communication, transgenerational sustainable growth
  • Societal impact

Much more than a competition, the Award aims to provide a guideline for best practices.

A source of inspiration for others

The managers of family businesses often use the experience and knowledge of previous generations. However, we are convinced that they can also gain enriching inspiration from their colleagues in other family businesses.

The “Family Business Award of Excellence®” aims to encourage family businesses to exchange their experiences and best practices in terms of good governance, entrepreneurship and societal impact.

Preparing your candidacy is at the same time an interesting exercise to benchmark where your company stands in terms of governance, transmission and sustainability, etc.

Copy of FB Ceremony

“ Taking the time to explain your journey towards a balanced (family) governance and daring to put it in competition with others is stimulating and gives an idea of ​​the progress you have made. ”

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Jacques Crahay

Cosucra, 2014

“ We are convinced that other members of FBN will learn from their participation in the Award. Winning the award is a great reward for the company and its family and is an excellent motivator to continue to do business together, in good and less good times. ”

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Martine Reijnaers

Reynaers, 2015

Participation forces the family business to get out of its day-to-day management and take the time to reflect on the past, present and future. The tension and competition linked to the Award forces us to dig deeper into certain points. And ultimately, whether you win or not doesn't matter anymore, it's an exciting and instructive process.

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Guido Vanherpe

La Lorraine Bakery Group, 2016

“ It is a recognition that confirms that our family business is on the right track and it is also an incentive to further develop our family governance. ”

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Jean-Pierre Wuytack

Vandersanden Group, 2017

“ I found the process leading up to the award very interesting. It allowed us to become aware of what we had acquired and what still remained to be done or improved. In particular, having to verbalize all kinds of questions, was very rewarding. ”

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Priscilla Bracht

Sipef, 2018

“  Participating into the FB award let us reflect on what we have achieved as a family and not only on what we still need to accomplish. It gave us proud which is something that we tend to forget in our day to day challenges. The proud that it brought was also shared by all our employees and other stakeholders. It also gave our family the confidence that our governance was well structured.

Pieterjan Desmet (round)
Pieterjan Desmet

Decospan, 2023

“The FB Award enables to share with other family entrepreneurs the experience of patiently but steadily developing a sustainable strategy, while motivating next generations to be an active part of the future of the family’s shared business dream.”

Photo Pierre Macharis FB Award (200 x 200 px)
Pierre Macharis

VPK Group, 2024

Selection criteria

  • The family business is at least of the 3rd generation
  • The decision-making centre is in Belgium
  • The family owns at least 50% of the voting rights (25% in the case of a listed company)
  • The family has a strong desire to transfer the company to the next generation. Moreover, the family values are clearly present in the vision and strategic direction of the company
  • At least one member of the family plays an active role in the business at management or governance level.

The Judging Panel

An independent jury, led by a President, decides who will be the next Belgian ambassador for the “Family Business Award of Excellence®”.
FB Award Jury 2024


  • Mr. Guido Vanherpe (La Lorraine Bakery Group, G3), Family CEO, Ambassador 2016 of the “Family Business Award of Excellence®” 

Jury members: 

  • Catherine Noël, G3 & Secretary General NMC-Nomainvest, President Now Gen Committee 
  • Isabel Albers, Editorial Director De Tijd and L’Echo
  • Bernard Haspeslagh, G2 & COO Ardo 
  • Raphaëlle Mattart – Academic expert in family entrepreneurship 
  • Prof. Anneleen Michiels
    Associate Professor Finance & Family Business UHasselt

* From left to right